

The cache decorator must be used after config initialized.


The cache_redis_client must be assigned after config initialized if you want to use distributed cache and set decode_responses to False.

To use Cache Alchemy in a project.

from cache_alchemy import memory_cache, json_cache, method_json_cache, property_json_cache
from cache_alchemy.config import DefaultConfig
from redis import Redis

config = DefaultConfig()
config.cache_redis_client = Redis.from_url(config.CACHE_ALCHEMY_REDIS_URL)

def add(i: complex, j: complex) -> complex:
    return i + j

def add(i: int, j: int) -> int:
    return i + j

class Foo:
    x = 2

    def add(cls, y: int) -> int:
        return cls.x + b

    def pow(self, y: int) -> int:
        return pow(self.x, y)

    def name(self) -> int:
        return self.x

# Using decorated function to clear cache

Json Cache


Json related cache only support function which return the pure JSON serializable object. Otherwise there is a different between return value and cached value which will cause some unexpected behavior. If you want to cache python object e.g dataclass, see Pickle Cache.

Pickle Cache

Pickle cache use package - pickle to serializing and de-serializing a Python object structure which can handle and cache custom classes e.g: dataclass.

import dataclasses

from redis import Redis

from cache_alchemy import pickle_cache
from cache_alchemy.config import DefaultConfig

class User:
    name: str

config = DefaultConfig()
config.cache_redis_client = Redis.from_url(config.CACHE_ALCHEMY_REDIS_URL)

def add(i: complex, j: complex) -> complex:
    return i + j

def access_user(name: str) -> User:
    return User(name=name)


You can define your custom config by inherit from DefaultConfig which defined a list of configuration available in Cache Alchemy and their default values.


DefaultConfig is defined by configalchemy -

General Memory Cache

Cache Alchemy use distributed backend as default backend to cache function return value.

By setting CACHE_ALCHEMY_MEMORY_BACKEND to cache_alchemy.backends.memory.MemoryCache can enable general memory cache backend.

from cache_alchemy import memory_cache
from cache_alchemy.config import DefaultConfig

class CacheConfig(DefaultConfig):
    CACHE_ALCHEMY_MEMORY_BACKEND = "cache_alchemy.backends.memory.MemoryCache"

config = CacheConfig()

def add(i: complex, j: complex) -> complex:
    return i + j

Define a cache dependency

Use cache dependency to declare dependency between two function.

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

dependency = FunctionCacheDependency(add)

def add_and_double(a, b):
    return add(a, b) * 2

When cache of add has been cleared, add_and_double will clear cascade.